
Friday, March 2, 2018

Pentagon Says 10,000 US Soldiers Would Die

If that fat, little Rocket Man in North Korea feels cornered enough and decides he has no choice but to start a war....the Pentagon is saying today that 10,000 US soldiers could die in the opening days.

US military chiefs have reportedly warned that a war with North Korea could result in the death or injury of around 10,000 American soldiers in just the opening days, with the number far exceeding the total 7,000 killed in fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The revelation emerged on Thursday after top military leaders in the United States attended a classified gathering in Hawaii to raise their concerns and discuss various scenarios that would arise in the early stages of a prospective US-North Korea conflict.

Pentagon officials in the meeting, led by Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley and US Special Operations Commander General Raymond Thomas, claimed that the opening days of the full-scale war with North Korea would be “catastrophic.”

Based on calculations, 10,000 US soldiers would be killed or injured in those first few days along with hundreds of thousands of civilians on the Korean Peninsula, according to Milley.

"The brutality of this will be beyond the experience of any living soldier," the US army chief of staff said in the gathering.

Tensions have been running high between Washington and Pyongyang over North Korea's missile and nuclear programs since US President Donald Trump warned to “totally destroy” North Korea during a speech to the latest UN General Assembly.

The US administration claims it prefers a diplomatic solution to the crisis, but it also says that all options are on the table, including military ones.


"There will be wars and rumors of war", says His return nears.

Will Americans tolerate massive amounts of dead soldiers anymore?  After all, we are sitting over here in our comfy homes eating pizza and watching football with hardly a care in the world!!  This generation seems to have totally forgotten that freedom isn't free. 

If America is going to stand up to the despots and extremists of the world it's going to cost a ton of money (that we don't have) and it's going to result thousands of dead soldiers.

I just don't know if we have the capacity or stomach for it all.

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

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