
Monday, March 12, 2018

Putin Makes It Illegal to Spread Gospel

2000 years ago, Jesus said that the world hated him. He also said they would always hate him and anyone who follows him.

As we survey the world and make a list of the nations that hate Jesus and don't want his Gospel shared, we can easily see that Jesus was correct!

Today we find out that Putin's Russia is turning hard against followers of Christ.

Darkness is falling in Russia – 143 million people spread across 11 time zones are slaves of an evil they either cannot see, or cannot stop.

Vladimir Putin calls himself a Christian, but he has declared war on the Gospel, and speaks of war with the West.

Preaching the Gospel in the open air is now illegal in Russia. So is sharing the Gospel with friends and co-workers -- even in your own home. So is inviting friends to come to church to hear the Word of God.

Christianity Today described the Russian law signed in July 2016 as the "most restrictive measures [against religious freedom] in post-Soviet history."

Yet there is no end in sight to this religious persecution, with Putin expected to be re-elected March 18, and he bragged about Russia's nuclear weapons and showed a video of multiple warheads aimed at Florida in a recent speech.

The Lord calls us to be watchmen on the walls in Ezekiel 33. We must always be ready to identify emerging threats to our nation and to warn our leaders and people.

The Scriptures also call us to take the Gospel into dark places; Jesus calls us to be "the light of the world."

We must stand with our brothers and sisters who love Christ but hear the prison doors closing and locking around them. We must never stop communicating the good news, especially to nations enslaved by cruel and wicked tyrants.

Finally, the Scriptures call us to be prayer warriors. Most of us can't walk into the Oval Office or other corridors of power. It is, therefore, easy to feel that we have no influence when global events spin out of control.

But we have direct access to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. So let us pray without ceasing for everyone involved. We can have tremendous impact on the course of men and nations by getting on our knees in intercessory prayer.

Jesus never taught His disciples they were powerless in the face of evil. To the contrary, He said "power will come upon you" and "you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and even to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

He said, "Love our enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)

It seems to be more evidence that Putin could be the dude who steps into the role of GOG of MAGOG if the rapture were to happen during his tenure.

Remember that Satan doesn't know the day or the hour of our Lord's return either!  He knows his Bible better than any human on earth so he must be in DEFCON 5 as he sees all the events coming into place....Jerusalem, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Damascus, Wars, Earthquakes, Love growing cold, Gospel being quashed, China rising, America imploding, men loving violence, women growing perverse, drug use (pharmakia) exploding, suicide, kids addicted to porn, etc....

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