
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Teen Suicide is Soaring

The world has had teenagers since the beginning of time.

Being a teen has probably always been a difficult thing no matter when we were all teens.  Changing bodies, changing hormones, not quite a man but wanting to get out on your own, wanting to make your own decisions but can't support yourself yet, etc...

So what's different about today, from previous generations, that so many teens think the answer to their teen angst is to kill themselves?

J.C. Ruf, 16, was a Cincinnati-area pitcher who died by suicide in the laundry room of his house. Tayler Schmid, 17, was an avid pilot and hiker who chose the family garage in upstate New York. Josh Anderson, 17, of Vienna, Va., was a football player who killed himself the day before a school disciplinary hearing. 

The young men were as different as the areas of the country where they lived. But they shared one thing in common: A despair so deep they thought suicide was the only way out. 

The suicide rate for white children and teens between 10 and 17 was up 70% between 2006 and 2016, the latest data analysis available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although black children and teens kill themselves less often than white youth do, the rate of increase was higher — 77%. 

A study of pediatric hospitals released last May found admissions of patients ages 5 to 17 for suicidal thoughts and actions more than doubled from 2008 to 2015. The group at highest risk for suicide are white males between 14 and 21.

Experts and teens cite myriad reasons, including spotty mental health screening, poor access to mental health services and resistance among young men and people of color to admit they have a problem and seek care. Then there's the host of well-documented and hard to solve societal issues, including opioid-addicted parents, a polarized political environment and poverty that persists in many areas despite a near-record-low unemployment rate.


Of course teens today are the first in world history to have easy access to illegal and legal hallucinatory drugs, social media, unlimited porn, online bullying AND they are told from the first days of school that they are only products of random evolution...and they are only dust and becoming dust again is their only future.

And of course, USA Today article would never conclude that we have removed God from our society and that the result of godlessness is hopelessness.

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