
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Trump’s Peace Plan for Israel Could Happen?

Remember what Daniel 9 tells us....that the Antichrist will CONFIRM a covenant (agreement) that has been put in place for the Jews of Israel and their enemies.

This is the single event that will then kick off the final 7 years...that's why many watchers refer to it as "The 70th Week of Daniel".

So we continue to watch for someone to draw up a peace agreement for Israel.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has been working hard to persuade the Arab countries to support its position in the standoff with the US administration.

The PA leadership in Ramallah fears that without the backing of the Arab countries, the US administration will "impose" President Donald Trump's "deal of the century" -- the yet-to-be-announced plan for peace in the Middle East.

The Arab countries, however, appear to be preoccupied with other matters. For now, the Palestinians are getting much lip service from their Arab brothers, including promises to put pressure on the Trump administration possibly to "modify" its plan to make it less "harmful" to Palestinian demands and aspirations.

What is actually happening is that the PA leadership is terrified that many of the Arab countries will support the Trump plan, thus abandoning their Palestinian brothers and leaving them exposed to international pressure to accept the "deal of the century." This fear does not seem to be unjustified.

Palestinian officials have already voiced concern that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and some Gulf countries are in collusion with the Trump administration to "impose" the peace plan, the details of which have yet to be made public.

These Arab countries, the Palestinians point out, have endorsed a more pragmatic and conciliatory approach towards the reputed peace plan and are no longer expressing strong opposition to it, despite Palestinian claims that the main points of the "deal of the century" endorse the positions of the Israeli government.

Unlike the Palestinians, the Arab countries are obviously not interested in ruining their relations with the US administration. Their comments are likely more about preserving good relations with Washington than supporting the policies of the Israeli government.

The Palestinians appear to be the only ones in the Arab world who are coming out on a daily basis against a plan no one has seen.

Hardly a day passes without a Palestinian official warning against Trump's plan of "liquidation" or "slap of the century," as some have begun referring to it. The Palestinians say they are also determined to foil the plan, notwithstanding the consequences.

"The Palestinians don't care about the date when Trump's plan will be announced because they reject it," said Nabil Sha'ath, a former PA foreign minister who serves as a senior advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas.

"What has already been leaked about the plan is sufficient for us to reject it. We won't accept an American plan that allows the US to restore its exclusivity over the peace process. If Washington wants to contribute to the peace process, it must be within the framework of an international multilateral forum."

In the past few weeks, the PA leadership has been campaigning to muster Arab support for its opposition to the Trump plan. So far, however, the Palestinian effort has been only partially successful, if at all.

At a recent meeting in Brussels of Arab foreign ministers with their EU counterparts, the Palestinians demanded that the Arab countries endorse their position towards the Trump plan. The Palestinians are also pressing for a larger EU role in the peace process with Israel so that the US would no longer have exclusivity over peacemaking.

However, the Arab response to the Palestinian campaign has been disappointing for the Palestinians.

The Arab ministers rejected the Palestinian demand to diminish the US role in the peace process. "We don't want to exclude the American role, which remains a major one," the Arab ministers reportedly told the Palestinians.

There are many people who believe that Donald Trump COULD BE the President of the US put in that position by God himself to usher in the very Last Days.

He has set up Jerusalem to be the cup of trembling as nations wonder what to how about setting up a peace plan for Israel and it's Arab neighbors?

All we can do is watch.

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