
Monday, April 2, 2018

Do Something!!

After the Parkland High School shooting there was a trending hashtag on Twitter to #doSomething.

The students said they no longer felt safe in school.  A nationwide protest was orchestrated (guessing the kids didn't orchestrate it) to protest gun violence.

Ummmm....whose NOT against gun violence?  Every gun owner and NRA member I know is against gun violence.  But of course the NRA wasn't invited to the protests.

Anyway, they did DO SOMETHING at Parkland and required see-through plastic backpacks, new student ID's that have to be carried at all times and a bigger security force to protect the kids.

So do you think those Parkland kids are now happy that something was done?

They led a national march. Now Parkland students return to a school they say 'feels like jail'

(CNN)Students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School return to class Monday, their first day back since organizing one of the largest youth-led protests in US history.

But these teenagers won't be returning to a normal high school experience. Instead, they'll be met with strict security measures which are intended to protect them from another mass shooting but have some students feeling as if they'll be learning in a prison.

"Going to school is really so hard, and now it's going to be so much worse," said Isabelle Robinson, a senior. "A lot of the people I've talked to are dreading going back."

Five weeks after Nikolas Cruz entered their Parkland, Florida, school and killed 17 students and faculty, MSD students led March for Our Lives rallies on March 24 in Washington and across the country. Their #NeverAgain movement has raised millions of dollars, won accolades, attracted celebrity support and pushed the issue of gun control into the national spotlight.

After the march, the students took a week off for spring break. Now they'll have to contend with a complex mix of grief over their slain classmates and excitement over their burgeoning movement.

"The march was amazing," said Daniel Bishop, a sophomore. "It was such an amazing experience to be there as a Parkland student, to experience and see all of us come together and talk about what we want to see happen."

But six weeks after the shooting and more than a week after the march, many of the students' legislative goals have not been realized.

"There's still that sense of melancholy, because what's going to happen from this?" Bishop said. "It's not like there was a magical bill that was passed that fixed all the things after the march. That didn't happen."

On top of that, Parkland students say they're apprehensive about their school's increased security measures.

MSD students will only be allowed to carry clear backpacks on campus and will be required to wear new student IDs at all times.

There will be an increased police presence on campus, as Gov. Rick Scott provides extra Florida Highway Patrol officers to beef up security and provide support to Broward County sheriff's deputies. Students will have limited points of entry to the school.

The school district also says it's considering whether to install metal detectors at the school's entrances. A letter from Principal Ty Thompson sent to families on Friday said that step has not been taken yet.

"It feels like being punished," Robinson told CNN. "It feels like jail, being checked every time we go to school."

So what the heck did you marching kids actually want?   You said you didn't feel safe going at school anymore and now the adults have done everything in their power to make you feel safe....but now you feel like you are in jail?

Hey's your first lesson in freedom.

And then check out this paragraph for irony.....

Many students, like Robinson, aren't happy about the new security measures. She pointed out that the gunman, Nikolas Cruz, was not a student of Stoneman Douglas at the time of the shooting, so the new security measures that appear to target students are counterproductive.

Oh but wait!.....most of you "student activists" want to target legal gun owners by passing more laws that criminals won't follow anyway?  That seems counterproductive....

And this one....

"I get it," he said, but, "it feels like we are losing individualism. I understand why they are doing it, but if a person wants to bring a gun on campus, they just aren't going to put it in their backpack."

Oh but wait!  If a criminal wants to bring a gun to school, aren't they just going to ignore the GUN FREE ZONE signs?  Also, the point of the clear backpacks is so they CAN'T put a gun in less places to hide a gun.

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