
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Saudi Prince Says Iran Leader “Worse Than Hitler”

Wow!  Can you even imagine that this could have happened even a year ago?

We wonder how much Trump naming Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital had to do with getting this ball rolling?

The leftists screamed that it would start WWIII but instead maybe it forced the Arab world to re-look at their policy of supporting the Arabs of Palestine who recently invented the name "Palestinians".

The heir to the Saudi throne has lambasted Iran, saying its Supreme Leader is the first side of a “triangle of evil” along with the Muslim Brotherhood and extremist Islamist groups like Isis.

In an echo of former U.S. president George W. Bush’s 2002 reference to Iran’s supposed role in an “axis of evil,” Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told The Atlantic that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was akin to Hitler and headed a regime that wanted to spread “extremist Shiite ideology.”

The crown prince added that if Tehran got its way, “the hidden Imam will come back again and he will rule the whole world from Iran and spread Islam even to America,” referring to the final savior of humankind according to Iran’s Twelver Shia faith.

He said: “The second part of the triangle is the Muslim Brotherhood, which is another extremist organization. They want to use the democratic system to rule countries and build shadow caliphates everywhere… And the other part is the terrorists, al-Qaeda, ISIS, that want to do everything with force.

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