
Monday, April 30, 2018

Trump Should Get Peace Prize

Remember how the leftists went wild went Trump called North Korea's leader "Little Rocket Man"?

Remember how they said his Trumps taunting was going to lead to war with North Korea?

Well it turns out that Trump probably scared the crap out of North Korea's leader and now he wants  to give up his nukes with a promise from Trump that we won't attack North Korea in the future.

Give that man a Nobel Peace Prize!!

South Korean President Moon Jae-in hailed the recent meetings between North Korean leaders and representatives of both the US and South Korea, adding that the talks underway towards halting North Korea’s nuclear weapons program should earn President Donald Trump a Nobel Peace Prize.

President Moon met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un last week in a historic gathering along the Demilitarized Zone which has separated North and South since the end of the Korean War 65 years ago.

According to a report by Reuters, South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in credits President Trump with the shift in North Korea’s stance on negotiations, and suggested the US president should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

“President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize. What we need is only peace,” President Moon is quoted as telling his cabinet on Monday.


I don't know about y'all....but is anyone else out there getting tired from all the WINNING...starting by Trump's winning the election?

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