
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Barrage of Missiles Fired From Gaza

I have an app on my iPhone called RED ALERT.  It's a free app and will send you a text every time a missile is launched into Israel.  Of course the Israeli's have the same app so they can know if they need to seek shelter...but I have it just because I'm an Israel watcher.

This morning the app started going off and has been going off ever since.

It would appear that the missiles have been coming from Gaza.  Some rumors are claiming that ISIS is claiming it has something to do with it.

GAZA-ISRAEL BORDER (Reuters) - Palestinian militants launched their heaviest barrages against Israel since the 2014 Gaza war on Tuesday and Israeli aircraft struck back, in a surge of fighting after weeks of border violence.

Three Israeli soldiers were wounded by shrapnel, the military said, after dozens of mortar bombs and rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip, triggering warning sirens in southern Israel throughout the day. There were no immediate reports of Palestinian casualties.

Israel has long said it will not tolerate such attacks, and its warplanes hit more than 30 targets belonging to armed groups, including a cross-border tunnel under construction, the military said. It accused Gaza’s dominant Hamas movement and the pro-Iran Islamic Jihad group of launching the salvoes.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the barrages, which came after Islamic Jihad vowed to take revenge for the killing of three of its members on Sunday by Israeli tank shelling.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his security chiefs and Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said the country was “at the closest point to the threshold of war” since the seven-week conflict with Palestinian militants four years ago.

“If the firing (from Gaza) does not stop, we will have to escalate our responses and it could lead to a deterioration of the situation,” Katz said on Army Radio.


Why do Bible-believing Christians love Israel so much?  Why do we pray for that nation and pray for it's people? 

Because we are thankful that they (the Jews) have delivered the Bible to us and delivered the Messiah-Jesus to us.  We also are aware that many, many prophecies will be fulfilled using the nation of Israel.

"I will bless those nations who bless Israel and I will curse those nations who curse Israel."

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