
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ex-Gay Survivor of Pulse Shooting Celebrate Freedom From Being Gay

When ex-gays come out and tell their stories the media usually doesn't want to broadcast such stories because the liberals have already bought into the lie that no one can change the desires they are born with.

So give some credit to NBC for covering this story.

Do you remember when a Muslim went into the gay bar in Florida and shot dozens of gay men dead?  Well this dude survived and has given his life to Christ and is now a changed man.

WASHINGTON — Pulse nightclub shooting survivor Luis Javier Ruiz joined a few dozen others at a so-called Freedom March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday where those in attendance celebrated no longer identifying as gay or transgender.

“I don’t want to tell everyone it’s a ‘gay-to-straight’ thing because God is not calling me to that," Ruiz told NBC News. "I feel that I want to live in a life of purity. I feel that through loving Christ, he will walk me out of any situation. I love the LGBTQ community, I love my family. There’s no hate here, there’s love.”

Ruiz, who said he no longer identifies as gay and denied going to conversion therapy, promoted his decision to attend the event on Facebook. That post, which has since been taken down, led to threats and the loss of many friends, Ruiz said.

A few dozen people in total showed up at the event on a cloudy Saturday celebrating "freedom from homosexual/transgender lifestyles by the grace and power of Jesus Christ," according to the march.

Jeffrey McCall, a former transgender rights activist and organizer of the event, shared his story, which seemed to have taken a sharp turn from his days of LGBTQ advocacy. Wearing a red shirt emblazoned with "#Jesus," he stood before the small crowd at the National Mall and said he had left his gay identity of 12 years behind.

“Everyone has marches, all kinds of views and opinions," McCall told said, explaining his decision to hold the event. "So I said, ‘I don’t really know about a march for people coming out of the LGBTQ [community] to follow Jesus so I want to do that.’

"I want all these people to have their story told. So I said why don’t I provide an outlet for people to march and have their stories told?" McCall said.

McCall said he struggled with his sexuality at a young age and felt a stronger tug toward what he called a feminine identity, which led to him living as a woman named Scarlett for two years. That changed, he said, when God spoke to him and said, "You will live for me."

McCall denied seeking conversion therapy, a discredited and nonscientific method of changing a person's sexual orientation.

Jesus loves us too much to leave us unchanged.  He changes EVERYONE who willingly surrenders their life to him.  He can change the adulterer, he can change the liar, he can change the child-abuser and he can change a gay man.

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