
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fear Him Who Can Kill the Body and Kill the Soul

Luke 12:5
5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.

Wow!  Those are the words of Jesus!

He is clearly telling us to FEAR GOD!

God is not your buddy.  He's not your home-boy.  He's the creator of the universe and has such magnificent, awesome power that we can't even comprehend how he made the sun or fashioned the earth.  We haven't even seen the incredible angels He made!

We have NO COMPREHENSION of how He made human beings or the millions of other life forms on earth that are so complex.

My earthly father loves me very much...but my brother and I were also very much afraid of his wrath and judgment if we crossed the line and disrespected my mother or him.

In the same way God loves us but we have already crossed the line!  We are all sinners!  We WILL FACE his wrath unless we accept His Son Jesus.  Jesus took the wrath that we deserved and paid our debt when we had no way to pay it ourselves!

The reason that we do good works on earth is to show Jesus how eternally grateful we are for the work he did for us on the cross...even WHILE WE WERE IN FULL REBELLION AND SIN!

Amen!  Thank you Jesus!

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