
Thursday, May 3, 2018

Iowa Close to Banning Abortion

Godless folks are desperate to keep abortion legal because they don't want an unplanned baby to ruin THEIR plans.

"I'm only in college and didn't really even like the boy who got me pregnant...and I don't want a baby right now to ruin my plans for college, getting MY master's degree and getting MY dream job!"

Bible readers know that intentionally vacuuming a baby out of a woman's uterus is murder.

Why?  Because the age or size of a human being doesn't dictate whether or not it's human. 

Psalm 139
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

The state of Iowa sounds really close to passing a law making it illegal to kill babies in their mother's womb once a heartbeat can be detected...and that can happen as early as 6 weeks after conception.

The state of Iowa is one signature away from potentially changing the entire nation’s abortion laws.

The Iowa state House and Senate passed the “Heartbeat” bill this week that would severely restrict the practice of abortion in the state and may result in a national legal battle in the Supreme Court.

The late night votes on the bill were contentious but successful for pro-life advocates. The bill would ban the option of an abortion if a heartbeat is detected in an ultrasound. Most pregnancies exhibit a heartbeat for the baby as early as six weeks.

There are exemptions to the rule, such as protecting the life of the mother and other medical emergencies. According to the Des Moines Register, the exemptions are as follows:

the woman was raped and reports the rape to a law enforcement agency, a public or private health agency or a family physician within 45 days;
the woman was the victim of incest and reports the issue to a law enforcement agency, a public or private health agency or a family physician within 140 days;
“not all the products of conception are expelled” following a spontaneous miscarriage;
a physician certifies that the fetus has an abnormality that, in the physician’s “reasonable medical judgment,” is incompatible with life.


Praise the Lord!  Let's pray this goes through and that other states quickly adopt the same law!

Today is the National Day of would be a great day to start praying to end the blight of murdering babies in America.

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