
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Saudis Tell Palestinians to Shut Up or Make Peace

It's awesome to see how the world has been turning since Trump named Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital.

Today we read that even the Saudis are getting fed up with their cousins in Palestine.

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is reportedly fed up with the Palestinians.

Bin Salman, heir to the desert kingdom's thrown, said in a closed-door meeting that Palestinians should accept peace negotiations or "shut up and stop complaining," according to Channel 10 journalist Barak Ravid. The crown prince reportedly made the remarks when speaking with leaders of several Jewish groups while in New York on March 27.

“In the last several decades the Palestinian leadership has missed one opportunity after the other and rejected all the peace proposals it was given,” bin Salman said according to a wire sent by the Israeli consulate in New York to Israel’s foreign ministry in Jerusalem that summarized the meeting, as well as information from several US and Israeli diplomats with knowledge of the meeting.

“It is about time the Palestinians take the proposals and agree to come to the negotiations table or shut up and stop complaining,” he continued.

Bin Salman's reported remarks are the latest addition to what some have pegged as a budding Israeli-Saudi bromance. The young prince is known to hold different views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than his father, King Salman, and past Saudi kings, having openly supported Israel's right to exist.


Just imagine what will happen if Trump is able to put together a peace agreement that the Arabs of Palestine are forced to sign?

That would be Korean peace AND Palestinian peace credited to him!

The Democrats would have a really tough time applauding him as he collects his Nobel Peace Prize!

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