
Friday, June 22, 2018

Time Magazine Fake News Cover

You can read this article and understand the Time Magazine used a photo for it's July 2 issue showing Trump looking down at a Honduran girl who is crying.

The libtards at Time want to use this propaganda to further their ONE WORLD GLOBAL agenda which involves doing everything in their power to tear down Trump.

As you will read, this little girl was never separated from her mother.  But her mother has been deported once before and this time she left Honduras with this 2 year old and never said goodbye to her husband or 3 other children she abandoned in Honduras.  This woman may want the "American dream" and willing to pay anything and do anything in order for her to get it.

Sounds like she may have a case of selfish ambition..and willing to risk the life of her baby to get it.

Also, what do you call a woman who illegally crosses the Rio Grande in order to enter the United Sates illegally?

Yes!!  They are called ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.  And remember that breaking the laws of a country involves consequences, and everyone in the world seems to understand that...except for the leftists in America.

EXCLUSIVE: 'They're together and safe': Father of Honduran two-year-old who became the face of family separation crisis reveals daughter was never separated from her mother, but the image of her in tears at U.S. border control ‘broke his heart’

  • Denis Javier Varela Hernandez spoke out about the status of his wife Sandra, 32, and daughter, Yanela, 2
  • Yanela became the face of the immigration crisis after a Getty photographer snapped a photo of her in tears
  • Speaking to Hernandez said he has still not been in direct contact with his wife Sandra because he does not have a way of communicating  
  • Denis said a Honduran official in the US told him that his wife and daughter are together and are doing 'fine' 
  • Sandra was part of a group that were caught by Border Patrol agents after making their way across the Rio Grande river on a raft 
  • She set out on her journey from Puerto Cortes, Honduras to the U.S. at 6am on June 3 and allegedly paid $6,000 for a coyote
  • Hernandez  said he did not support his wife's decision to make the journey with their young daughter in her arms and never got to properly say goodbye  

I have another follow up question....if these Hondurans are fleeing their country because of danger, (they want asylum) why don't they stay in Mexico where they speak the same language and are protected by the Mexican government?  Why do they feel the need to continue another 1500 miles and pay $6000 to some smuggler to get them across the Rio Grande?  Can't they get political asylum in Mexico?

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