
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Trump and North Korea Meeting a Success

The Democrats have to be freaking out about right now!  Talk show host, Bill Maher, is in some hot water for saying he hopes America collapses into a major recession again because it will be the only thing that prevents Trump from getting re-elected!

The folks in Israel already think Trump is their hero and now we read that the people of South Korea and North Korea and singing Trump's praises.

'Complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula'

Overnight, President Trump led a historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. "We had a tremendous 24 hours. We've had a tremendous three months, actually, because this has been going on for quite a while," President Trump said. "I want to thank Chairman Kim for taking the first bold step toward a bright new future for his people."

The two leaders signed a joint statement that outlines such a future. Here is the key phrase: "President Trump committed to provide security guarantees to the DPRK [North Korea], and Chairman Kim Jong Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."

The statement also commits to reestablishing U.S.–North Korean relations. "Nearly 70 years ago . . . an extremely bloody conflict ravaged the Korean Peninsula," President Trump said. "Yet, while the armistice was agreed to, the war never ended. To this day, never ended. But now we can all have hope that it will soon end. And it will. It will soon end."

"Chairman Kim has the chance to seize an incredible future for his people," the President continued. "Anyone can make war, but only the most courageous can make peace."

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