
Saturday, July 14, 2018

God Bless Abortion!

When leftists comedians start using comedy skits to get a laugh out of killing know the judgment of the nation who laughs at such things must be near.

By now perhaps you’ve seen the horror show cooked up by Michelle Wolf, the Netflix star best known for her viral and cringeworthy White House Correspondents’ Dinner speech this spring. Man, does this lady love abortion. She also loves wheeling out abortion “jokes” like this: “Mike Pence is very anti-choice. He thinks abortion is murder, which, first of all, don’t knock it till you try it! And when you do try it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there.”
Zing! Get it? You’ve got to knock the baby out of there! But wait: If there’s a baby in there in the first place, wouldn’t knocking it out mean we’re actually . . . oh, never mind. Who cares about those details? Certainly not Wolf, who just broadcast another wild-eyed abortion-is-awesome monologue, hollering “God bless abortion!” in a star-spangled bodysuit and cheerlessly squeaking that abortion “should be on the dollar menu at McDonalds.” Her audience — and here one could perhaps write a dissertation on the distressing and sheep-like behavior of people granted seats at painfully unfunny Netflix talk shows — cheered.

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