
Monday, July 9, 2018

Is America Close to Destruction?

This is amazing to me.  On the one side you have Leftists saying that Trump and his followers are like Hitler and the Nazis.  And they believe they need to do everything in their power to save America from going down the same path as Nazi Germany.

But on the right you have Conservatives warning that the Left is coming unhinged and acting very much like Nazis in Germany when they move to ban free speech, ban books as "hate speech" and  put on masks to bully and intimidate anyone who they disagree with.

Honestly how much longer can the finger pointing and name calling continue?  Unless God intervenes to save America with a supernatural spiritual awakening, do you really think we are going to heal by using the political process?

Here is an article from the Left side of things asking if America can be saved from Donald Trump.

Malcolm Nance on Trump: We’re “on the cusp” of “losing the American constitutional republic forever”

The crisis that has befallen America under Donald Trump's presidency is not ripped from the pages of a John le Carré or Jason Matthews spy novel. It is all too real.

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has unanimously endorsed the intelligence community's conclusion that the Russian government interfered with the 2016 presidential election, with the goal of electing Donald Trump and undermining American democracy.

Former CIA director John Brennan agrees that Vladimir Putin commanded his spies and other agents to assist Donald Trump so that he would defeat Hillary Clinton. Brennan also believes that Putin may be blackmailing Trump as a means of forcing the president to do his bidding.

Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller has indicted numerous people in connection with Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and related criminal behavior.

Trump openly encouraged Putin and his agents to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Trump continues to publicly praise Putin and make excuses for his apparent efforts to subvert American democracy. Trump now plans to meet privately with Putin later this month. It has been reported that no American advisers or other observers will attend these meetings.

If what now seems apparent is indeed true, Putin has successfully conducted one of the greatest covert operations in modern history. He and his agents have undermined the United States' standing in the world and apparently now control a president, the Republican Party, and tens of millions of Americans who have embraced authoritarianism and betrayed their own country's democratic values and institutions.

How was Russia able to accomplish this? Is Donald Trump actively working for Vladimir Putin and Russia, or is he just a "useful idiot"? What social cleavages did Russia exploit in order to do so much damage to the United States? How does Russia's support of Trump and American fascism fit into a much larger global plan?

If Trump has been working with Russia to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election then he should probably be impeached.  I doubt Russia interfered in our election anymore than Obama interfered with the Israeli election when he tried to unseat Netanyahu.

But you can see how the Left is believing all these things and will end up resorting to violence in THEIR attempt to "stop the fascist takeover of America."

Meanwhile, the Conservatives are watching the college campuses explode when a Conservative speaker even steps on campus.  They start burning, looting and destroying things in their attempt to stop anyone from saying things they don't want to hear.  And we wonder how stupid the left can become?   Can they really not see how intolerant they have become?

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