
Thursday, July 26, 2018

L & T of LGBT Are at War

According to this article the Lesbians are not happy with the Transgenders and some lesbians are calling for their L to be dropped from the LGBTQ club.

So what's the problems?  Intolerance?  Transphobia?  Bullying?  Hate speech?  Maybe the L are just on the "wrong side of history"?  After all, if a man says he is a woman, WHO ARE YOU to say that he's not?  And if that same man transitions into a woman and then still wants to have sex with a woman...then HE IS A LESBIAN!  So deal with it!!

It’s open warfare now between the “L” and the “T” of the LGBT movement.

An organization for lesbians has launched a formal online blast at LGBT activists for calling them “transphobes” and they want the LGBT coalition to drop the “L.”

The lesbians argue they are women attracted to women and there’s no room for men who claim they are women.

Biology does make a difference, a big difference, they insist, and it’s not enough to simply “identify” as being of a particular gender.

The argument appeared in a letter the Lesbian Rights Alliance in the United Kingdom recently posted online that was directed toward Stonewall, the U.K. organization that campaigns for LGBT causes.

“Stonewall does not recognize or represent the many young women who reject conventional feminine stereotypes in appearance and sex roles, and who become lesbians at puberty,” the letter charged.

“Instead, you support the trans argument that many gender non-conforming lesbians must really be men, born with ‘male brains’ in the ‘wrong body.'”

The organization is demanding Stonewall stop claiming to represent lesbians, ordering the group to “Remove the L from LGBT.”

The poor liberals are going to get so confused about their sexuality!  What's an LGBTQ supposed to do??  Oh yeah...they are supposed to add an "M" to their stand in solidarity with their MINOR ATTRACTED PERSONS. 

We would call them pedophiles....but that sounds like bullying.


  1. Wanna add some more confusion to your plate? Try these quotes on from a WP article:

    Prior to my transition, I was an outspoken radical feminist. I spoke up often, loudly and with confidence. I was encouraged to speak up. I was given awards for my efforts, literally — it was like, “Oh, yeah, speak up, speak out.” When I speak up now, I am often given the direct or indirect message that I am “mansplaining,” “taking up too much space” or “asserting my white male heterosexual privilege.” Never mind that I am a first-generation Mexican American, a transsexual man, and married to the same woman I was with prior to my transition.

    As a former lesbian feminist, I was put off by the way that some women want to be treated by me, now that I am a man...

    The article explains the woes of these women who are now being exposed to what life is like on the wrong side of the leftist flag.

  2. Doh...I forgot the link
