
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Trump Warns Iran

Of course you remember how Trump called North Korea's leader "Rocket man" because he kept launching rockets that the entire world knew were being tested for nuclear weapons delivery?

We already know that the liberals went insane because they were convinced Trump would start a nuclear war with North Korea if he kept pissing off their dictator by calling him silly names!

It turns out Kim Jong Un was actually scared of what Trump and his military might do to him so he decided to set up a conference with Trump to discuss their futures.

Maybe bullying actually does serve a limited purpose?

Yesterday was North Korea and now today Trump is responding with tough talk to Iran.

President Trump late Sunday tweeted out to Iranian President Rouhani to never threaten the U.S. again or face historic consequences.

The tweet came on the heels of Rouhani’s warning to Trump that hostile policies could lead to the “mother of all wars" with Iran.

Trump called for Rouhani to stop the rhetoric or--in caps lock-- “suffer the consequences the like of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and death. Be cautious!”

I, for one, love Trumps words on this issue!!  While his predecessors hid their heads in the sand when Iran's leaders scream "Death to America!" on a daily basis, Trump calls them "demented words of violence and death."  Amen!  It's true!

As we said yesterday, it would appear that Trump has set up Jerusalem, Russia and Iran to take their roles as these last days continue to come upon us.

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