
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Alien Abductee Gets Endorsed for Political Office

We have said all along that aliens and UFO's are going to be going more mainstream as the Last Days progress.

Today we find this headline;

Florida House candidate who claims she was abducted by aliens endorsed by major newspaper

A major newspaper thinks Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a House candidate in Florida, is out of this world.

The Miami Herald has endorsed Rodriguez Aguilera, a Republican vying to replace outgoing Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in Florida’s 27th congressional district. The candidate, a former Doral councilwoman, made headlines after she claimed she was visited by extraterrestrials – which she’s described as appearing like women with long, blonde hair – when she was 7 years old.

She previously told the Miami Herald that these aliens have communicated with her multiple times throughout her life.

The aliens took her into their spaceship and spoke to her about events that would happen, Rodriguez Aguilera has said. She’s also spoken about these supposed events with several Spanish-language news outlets.

“We realize that Rodriguez Aguilera is an unusual candidate,” the Miami Herald said in its endorsement of her, adding that it agrees with Rodriguez Aguilera that her experiences are “a non-issue.”


We have no doubt that she could have had such an experience.  However, these weren't aliens from a distant planet visiting this little girl and telling her about the future....they were simply demons in disguise.

Satan and his minions have spent ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY leading humans astray.  They have many methods of deception and the explosion of UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, and reports of alien abductions are simply the latest.

This latest deception has worked very well as more people now believe in aliens than believe in the God of the Bible.

Hat tip to Mick L.

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