
Monday, August 27, 2018

Another Explanation For the Rapture

Please remember that Satan has had a long time to digest 1 Thessalonians 4.  He knows that one day a trumpet is going to sound and all followers of Christ are going to leave this earth and meet Jesus in the air.

So he needs to be prepared with an explanation.

We found this on an "alien" website that claims these aliens seeded human life on earth eons ago and that soon they will be coming back to work with those people who are ready to join them to "ascend" into the 5th dimension into a higher vibrational level'

But notice what will happen to those of us stupid people who are content to live in the 3rd dimension....we will be shipped off to another planet that will be similar to earth to continue living our 3-D lives until we have developed enough to want to Ascend to the 5th dimension.

Ascension is optional and will not be forced on anybody. Those that chose the way towards Ascension will follow Mother Earth to a higher vibrational level in the fifth dimension. Those souls who prefer to continue their experiences in the third dimension (3D) will end this life and start new lives on other 3D planets very similar to Earth. One such planet is called Herculobus and is being prepared specially for souls from Earth. These souls will continue their development on these planets and will eventually be ready to Ascend to the fifth dimension. However, the next opportunity to Ascend in large numbers might take a long time.

The Ascension of large number of souls all at once and in their bodies, which is taking place on Earth is unique and many extraterrestrials in higher dimensions are here to witness the process and help. Normally souls attain a higher level of existence as part of their next life and do not take the body they are in with them. This, our Ascension process en masse and in our bodies, has not previously taken place in this Universe. The Ascension taking place here on Earth takes center stage in more than one way, and it is key to the Ascension that also is taking place in other solar systems in this galaxy.

The extraterrestrials that are here can generally not be seen. They use cloaking technologies for their ships, which make them invisible unless they turn it off and show themselves. This happens more and more often and is the reason for some of the UFO observations.

Yes...fallen angels can use "cloaking technologies" to prevent humans from seeing them.  They can also masquerade as "aliens" and pretend to be from another planet and tell a far-out tale that goes 100% against what the Bible and Jesus clearly tell us.

Certainly we are living in the AGE OF DECEPTION.

Let's all remember to put on the full armor of God as prescribed in Ephesians 6.

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