
Friday, August 10, 2018

Earth Changes Are Accelerating

The folks on the left are convinced that the earth is suffering through record fires, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes and drought because MAN has so messed up the planet that Mother Nature is getting ready to purge us.

It's interesting that the Bible tells us that the earth is groaning.  Why?  Because of the fall that happened way back in Genesis.  Jesus also hints that these groanings will get more frequent and more severe as His return nears.

They will reach their climax during the Great Tribulation.

Major changes are happening to our planet, and the experts are groping for answers.  In recent days some have suggested that what we are witnessing is the natural progression of "man-made climate change", but that explanation has generally been received with a lot of skepticism.  

Something truly dramatic appears to be happening to the globe, and it isn't just because the amount of carbon dioxide in the air suddenly reached some sort of magical "tipping point".  But without a doubt, temperatures are getting warmer. 

In July, Death Valley experienced "the hottest month ever recorded on the planet".  Over in Europe, Saturday was being billed as Europe's "hottest day ever", and temperatures in Lisbon, Portugal were expected to top 107 degrees both Saturday and Sunday.  

On the other side of the planet, the crippling drought in Australia is devastating farms "like a cancer", and things are so hot in North Korea that the government has declared "an unprecedented natural disaster"...

This week, the North Korean government called record-high temperatures in the country "an unprecedented natural disaster" and said that country was working together to fight the problem.

An editorial published Thursday in Rodong Sinmun, the newspaper of the ruling party, highlighted the difficulties that the long stretch of high temperatures would cause for North Korea's agricultural sector, specifically crops such as rice and maize. 

The newspaper called for North Koreans to act as one and "display their patriotic zeal in the ongoing campaign for preventing damage by high temperature."

In California, extreme heat and bone dry conditions continue to fuel some of the worst wildfires in the history of the state...

Crews battling deadly Northern California wildfires prepare for another day of hot and dry conditions that could drive the flames into new areas and threaten more homes.

According to Cal Fire, more than 15,000 personnel are on the lines of 18 large blazes across California on Saturday. So far, the fires since June have killed 8, burned more than 559,000 acres and damaged or destroyed over 1,800 structures. Roughly 17,000 homes continue to be threatened by these fires, and about 45,000 residents are under evacuation.

Ultimately, this may turn out to be the worst year for wildfires that California has ever seen.

Of course there have been bad years for wildfires before.  But what we haven't seen before are "firenadoes" that pack 143 mph winds...

On Thursday, NWS researcher combed through the wreckage left behind and determined a fire whirl -- commonly known as a fire tornado -- roared through the area between 7:30 p.m and 8 p.m. on July 26th.

It was packing 143 mph winds, turning heavy-duty high tension power line towers into twisted pieces of metal, uprooting trees and ripping the bark off other trees.

Fear not because these things all MUST happen.  Bible readers know how the story ends!  And we win!

Encourage each other with these words.

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