
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Longest Bull Market in US History

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Buy low, sell high," when people talk about what they know about stock market?  I'm going to guess that most of you have.

So what does that mean to us as we read this blurb from a White House email?

In a few hours, the longest bull market in U.S. history

Today will mark another milestone in America’s incredible economic boom: At 3,453 days since the S&P 500 hit its low point during the Great Recession, U.S. stocks are poised to surpass their longest-running rally in history.

Recent gains, “aided by the U.S. corporate tax cut in December, deliver a rebuttal to skeptics,” The Wall Street Journal reports. The evidence in support of President Trump’s economic agenda is stacking up: wages are rising, GDP growth cleared 4 percent last quarter, and unemployment recently fell to its lowest rate in decades.

Americans are now more assured than ever about their financial health and economic futures. In addition to soaring levels of confidence reported in surveys of America’s small businesses and manufacturers, today’s stock market record reflects real value for middle-class Americans with 401(k) or pension plans. 

“Everywhere we look, we are seeing the effects of the American economic miracle,” President Trump said recently. 

Hmmmm....Really?  Americans are now MORE ASSURED THAN EVER about their financial health?

We were just told by USA Today earlier this year that 70% of Americans DON'T HAVE $1000.

We were also just told that bankruptcies of retired folks just spiked 500% because folks are retiring with tiny amounts of savings and quickly run out of money when faced with one unexpected bill.

This stock market may have become a false idol to many folks in America.  If the DOW is up, then they are pleased.  If the DOW is down, then they are apprehensive.  How many spend more time looking at the DOW and how it affects their money than they do seeking a personal relationship with the Living God?

We continue to believe that one day, maybe soon, America will collapse under $21 Trillion of national debt along with a new record of personal debt.  We hope this happens AFTER the rapture but we simply can't know for sure.

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