
Friday, August 3, 2018

Prepare for Civil War if Deep State Doesn’t Collapse

We are posting this article just to show the continued divide that is happening in America.  We don’t necessarily believe everything written in it.  We also don’t know what the author has recently seen to elevate his concern to such a level...but these are the headlines of today which may be a harbinger of tomorrow.


To all TGP readers and all American patriots we are informing you to prepare yourselves. This country is at a precipice. America is either going to be overrun by a power hungry Deep State or it will survive one of the biggest attacks to its existence since the Civil War.

We must all be vigilant and prepared.

The acts of the Deep State are as appalling as they are criminal. An unelected and elected power hungry minority is attempting a coup d’état of the Trump administration.
Americans voted for Donald J. Trump for President in 2016 because they were tired of the corruption in Washington D.C. as much as Americans were fearful of losing the country that they loved.    Americans were in fear the country that we knew was morphing into something entirely unrecognizable and demented.  Liberals, Democrats, elites, globalists and the Deep State thought Donald Trump was a “clown”  as they plotted to hand over the country to Obama’s choice – Hillary Clinton.
Under President Obama the US was burdened with trillions in new debt, doubling the amount when he was elected and increasing the US debt to GDP ratio by 40% to over 100%. Healthcare was taken under the government’s wing. Foreign affairs were a mess.  Everything Obama policy was a disaster.

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