
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Q and The Plan to Save the World

Some of you are aware that there seems to be a powerful yet anonymous voice that is coming from WITHIN the White House.  That voice is called Q. 

I believe that one way to follow some of Q's info is on Twitter @Qanon

I'm not going to say a whole lot about it for now, but when you get 13 minutes check out this very well-done video on Q and how the good guys from within are battling the current evil forces of criminal-political-leaders who have led us into war, division and hatred.  Those evil forces HATE Donald Trump because under his leadership, all of their criminal activities are about to be exposed.

Watch the video here;

Of course I don't agree with all that the video has to say.  He seems to have the worldview that people are basically good and the world would be a much better place if we could rid ourselves of these evil rulers.

The Bible says that people are all born sinners and have wicked hearts.  The world will ALWAYS be a condemned-to-hell wreck until Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom while sitting on David's throne.

However, I do agree that something big and supernatural is going on that started with the election of Donald Trump.

Let me know in the comment section what YOU think or know about Q.

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