
Friday, September 14, 2018


It's now being reported that 7 states have over 35% obesity rates in the adult population.

That's a lot of fat.

It's one thing to have a few extra pounds on us, especially as we age and are less capable of exercising or staying active.  But clearly food can become a false idol and an addiction to millions of Americans.

Of course the Bible mentions gluttony as one of the 7 deadly sins.  And yep, being obese will kill you.

Alabama is one of seven states where the adult obesity rate is at or above 35 percent, according to a new study.

The State of Obesity 2018: Better Policies for a Healthier America, published by the Trust for America's Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, showed 48 states have obesity rates topping 25 percent. At least 20 percent of adults are obese in every state, the report showed.

In Alabama, the obesity rate is 36.3 percent. The other six states where obesity rates top 35 percent are:
West Virginia - 38.1 percent
Mississippi - 37.3 percent
Oklahoma - 36.5 percent
Iowa - 36.4 percent
Louisiana - 36.2 percent
Arkansas - 35 percent
This year is the first time Oklahoma and Iowa posted obesity rates above 35 percent; Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, West Virginia and Alabama posted higher-than-35-percent rates last year as well.
Only two states - Hawaii and Colorado - and the District of Columbia had adult obesity rates below 25 percent in 2017.

And of course we Americans want and expect someone else to pay for all of our ailments like bad knees, bad hearts, diabetes, bad backs, depression, etc...that are KNOWN results of obesity.

So how do you think the government is going to pay for 100,000,000 obese people as they demand medical care and long term care as they age?

There simply isn't enough money in the world to do that...and yet the leftists will claim it's their "human right" to have someone pay for their health care.

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