
Friday, September 14, 2018

Satan Must Be Pleased With This Statistic

Sessions: 72,000 Died from Overdoses Last Year--‘Highest Drug Death Toll’ in US History

During a speech at the National Narcotics Officers’ Association’s Coalition Drug Enforcement Forum, Sessions said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated the death toll from drug overdoses last year at approximately 72,000, which he said is the “highest drug death toll in American history by far.”

“It is widely estimated that life expectancy has declined in the United States in recent years—largely because of drug abuse,” he said.

Sessions said opioids like prescription painkillers, heroin, and synthetic drugs like fentanyl are to blame for the dramatic increase in overdose deaths, and in 2016 alone, 42,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses.

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