
Monday, September 24, 2018

Terrorists Attack Iran, Iran Blames USA and Israel

As you read this news about Iran getting struck by terrorists, a person is tempted to think, "So it's not so fun when terrorists murder your people...huh?'

Of course we KNOW that Iran is behind numerous terror attacks.  We also know that Sunni Islam has been at war with Shia Islam since that crazy-man, Muhammad, was laid in his grave.  So it's really no surprise to read that Sunni terrorists attacked an Iranian Shiite parade that was commemorating the start of the Iran-Iraq war.

I guess it also shouldn't come as a surprise that Iran is now blaming...wait for it....America and Israel for the attack which killed like 29 people.  They say they are going to retaliate very soon and very hard.

A video purported to show three ISIS members on their way to Ahvaz to commit a terror attack emerged on Sunday in the wake of the attack in the southwestern Iranian city. The attack targeted a military parade of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that marked the Iran-Iraq war.

The video put out by the ISIS Amaq media shows three men in a vehicle. Two of them speak Arabic and one speaks Farsi. The video seems to have been made during the middle of the day, while the attack took place in the morning, which leaves questions about when it was made. The video further complicates the question of who carried out the attack. Initial accounts claimed the Ahwazi Democratic Popular Front had taken credit. The Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz also claimed on September 22 that any ISIS claims were not true. The Patritoic Arab Democratic Movement in Ahvaz also denied responsibility.

A video purported to show three ISIS members on their way to Ahvaz to commit a terror attack emerged on Sunday in the wake of the attack in the southwestern Iranian city. The attack targeted a military parade of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that marked the Iran-Iraq war.

The video put out by the ISIS Amaq media shows three men in a vehicle. Two of them speak Arabic and one speaks Farsi. The video seems to have been made during the middle of the day, while the attack took place in the morning, which leaves questions about when it was made. The video further complicates the question of who carried out the attack. Initial accounts claimed the Ahwazi Democratic Popular Front had taken credit. The Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz also claimed on September 22 that any ISIS claims were not true. The Patritoic Arab Democratic Movement in Ahvaz also denied responsibility.

A statement by ISIS that accompanied the video reveals that they thought 100 Iranian forces were “killed and injured.” Some on social media have sought to compare photos that circulated of the dead perpetrators with the men in the video. But the photos are inconclusive. Two men appear similar, but one has more hair in his eyebrows than the man whose dead body was circulated on social media the day of the attack. Also the dead man wears a purple shirt whereas the men in the video wear fatigues.

Iranian state media has not mentioned the new ISIS claims, preferring to focus on the official state narrative which blames the US for the attacks. Iranian media has highlighted the involvement of Saudi Arabia, gulf countries, the UK, Denmark and Holland in hosting or supporting Ahvaz opposition groups. Ahvaz is an area of Iran home to a large, mostly Shi’ite, Arab minority. On September 23 a Foreign Ministry spokesman in Tehran blamed the US for the “phenomenon of terrorism in the world.” Iranian president Hassan Rouhani also said Iran was ready to confront the US after the attack, even as his plane touched down in New York for the United Nations General Assembly. Tehran also reprimanded the UAE after a political advisor of the emirate named Abdulkhaleq Abdulla had suggested the attack in Ahvaz was aimed at a “military target.”

Tehran appears to want to ignore the ISIS claims of responsibility in the hopes of scapegoating the US and Israel, as it expands its rhetoric following the attack. Iran also wants sympathy at home and abroad. It has been a long term narrative of the Iranian regime that the US “created ISIS,” a claim that Ayatollah Khamenei made last year. Therefore from Tehran’s view an ISIS claim of responsibility would only stoke its own worldview that sees ISIS, the US and other opposition groups as all part of the same network.


Please remember that Iran is collapsing.  It's currency is being crushed by US sanctions that have been re-imposed after Trump ripped up the Obama-Iranian Nuke Deal.  And the Iranian people are getting sick of these bearded Mullahs telling them exactly how they are supposed to live to please massive protests against the government have continued.

What better way to get the people to look away from the stupid Mullahs than to say, "See these dead people?...It was the Jews and the Americans who did it!!!  Death to America!  Death to Israel!!!"

Since Persia (Iran) is a named player in the Ezekiel 38 coalition, we will continue to watch them very closely.

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