
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Trump Tells Israel He Wants Peace Agreement

The Bible is clear that when the Antichrist shows up AFTER the rapture of the church that he will "confirm" a peace agreement that has been put on the books with Israel and it's hateful neighbors.

So we WATCH for evidence of someone coming forward to get the peace agreement signed.

Today we see this headline from another prophecy website;

President Trump Tells PM Netanyahu In New York That He Wants Middle East Peace ‘In My First Term’

There are many things that Bible prophecy tells us about Israel in the last days in general, and about the importance of the physical land of Israel in particular. One of the most interesting things we are are found in the book of the prophet Joel, who tells us plainly why God gathers the nations for battle during the time of Jacob’s trouble. It’s because someone has divided the land, God’s land, and God is not in favor of it.

“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.” Joel 3:1,2 (KJV)

So right off the bat we see that God is in favor of a ‘one-state solution’, and His answer to the ‘two-state solution’ is the Battle of Armageddon. Prophecy clear tells us that while not in favor of it, God allows Israel to be divided and eventually taken over by Antichrist, but will return personally to set things right at the Second Coming.

President Trump, who knows very little if anything of Bible prophecy, uses terms like ‘two-state solution‘ as do many other leaders of the nations represented at the UN, without really knowing what they are saying. But Benjamin Netanyahu, about whom Joel Rosenberg hinted when I met him in Denver in 2010, may have privately accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour, knows very well that the prophets condemn the dividing of God’s land of Israel. Netanyahu is not in favor of a two-state solution.

FROM TIMES OF ISRAEL: “I like the two-state solution,” Trump told reporters at a press gaggle with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York. “That’s what I think works best. I don’t even have to speak to anybody, that’s my feeling.”

He pointed to Netanyahu, seated next to him, and added, “You may have a different feeling. I don’t think so, but that’s mine.” Netanyahu did not respond. The comments appeared to mark a shift in favor of the two-state option for the US president, who in February 2017, at his first bilateral meeting with Netanyahu at the White House, sounded more skeptical about establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel.


It would seem that President Trump is VERY FAR away from getting the Arabs of Palestine to sign a peace deal...BUT....he has also cut off their funding and other articles are saying that Gaza is close to economic collapse so they MAY already be in the pressure cooker that forces them to sign something.

Again, we have NO IDEA if Trump is the guy that's going to get this deal signed.  But since he is on a string of WINNING and was clearly put into power with some help of a supernatural force (No one thought Trump had even a slim chance)...we believe he MAY be God's man to be used to set the table for the VERY last days.  We will just have to keep watching.

Daniel 9
27 He [Antichrist] will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’In the middle of the ‘seven’he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[j] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him

Cool!  And what will be the END of the Antichrist?  It's when Jesus Christ returns in the 2nd Advent and throws him into the Lake of Fire and then proceeds to set up his 1000 year reign.

Amen!  Come Lord Jesus!

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