
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Vast Majority of Catholic Abusers Are Homosexuals

I'm going to guess the leftists aren't going to like this headline.  They might say it's homophobic.

Funny how the truth gets thrown to the ground by folks who don't like what the truth might tell.

Catholic Bishop: 'The Vast Majority of the Abusers are Homosexuals'

Contrary to the spin by the liberal media, the overwhelming majority of sexual abusers in the Catholic Church are homosexual priests, said Catholic Bishop Marian Eleganti in a recent statement. 

Eleganti is the auxiliary bishop of Chur, Switzerland, and he posted his statement about the ongoing scandal in the Church on his Facebook page on Sept. 5. It is translated there and an English translation was also published by 

As the bishop explains, "The John Jay Report of 2010 concerning the sexual abuse in the Church in the U.S. shows that, in the time range of the last 60 years, 81% of the victims were male. Therefore, the vast majority of the abusers are homosexuals. The Final Report of the [Australian] Royal Commission of the year 2017 has come to similar results."

"These are facts which may not be discussed in public, they are a taboo to which many leaders in the Church now bow down, pointing instead to clericalism as the root problem of the phenomenon," said Bishop Eleganti.  "No one denies that clericalism plays a role, but nevertheless it is in the Church proven that the abusers are mainly homosexual."


Do we think that lots of priests probably BECAME priests because they had homosexual tendencies?


Think about're a dude from small town Minnesota and it's 1975 and you realize you think about sex with other dudes, a lot.  You realize that you have to keep those fantasies a secret because your small town buddies on the football team would razz you to death and your parents would die of embarrassment.

So because you are Catholic, you come up with an idea to become a priest!  Then you can have a valid reason for NEVER having sex with a woman and you NEVER have to answer the question of why you are a single male!


The only problem is that Satan and his demons are already well planted in the Catholic church and they start to tempt you with more thoughts of sex with men and then pull you even further into perversion and start tempting you with fantasies of sex with little boys.  You soon find that lots of families are MORE THAN HAPPY to allow you to have alone time with their boys to do "church things".  Satan then snaps the trap.  And before you know it, thousands of gay priests are abusing ten of thousands of little boys.  Lives are ruined and Satan is pleased.

Makes sense in a perverted, tragic sort of way.

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