
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"You Will Get Chipped...It's Just a Matter of Time"

The Bible tells us that a time is coming for planet earth when everyone will have to take a mark in order to buy or sell anything.  Some people refer to this as the "cashless society", because all of your purchases will be recorded electronically.  If you take the mark you will forever forfeit your chance to have your name written in the Book of Life.  If you don't take the mark you will be considered an enemy of the Antichrist state and your termination will be ordered.

Thankfully, those of us living today who have accepted Christ WILL NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT TAKING THIS MARK BECAUSE WE WILL ALREADY BE WITH CHRIST in the place He has been preparing for us.  Amen!!  Praise Jesus!!

As the nearness of the Great Tribulation shows itself....headlines that foreshadow this MARK OF THE BEAST are starting to pop up in numerous main-stream places.

For the last 2000 years, people would read this passage in the Bible and figure out some way to spiritualize it away because they didn't think it would EVER be possible that the whole world could be linked into a financial system...but we are the first generation to have this technology available to make it all happen exactly as the Bible said it would.

Last month, USA Today published an article entitled “You will get chipped — eventually.” The following is a short excerpt…
You will get chipped. It’s just a matter of time.

In the aftermath of a Wisconsin firm embedding microchips in employees last week to ditch company badges and corporate log-ons, the Internet has entered into full-throated debate.

No, I will not ever be microchipped.

But how many others feel the same way?

Obviously, societal attitudes are changing, and a professor interviewed by USA Today is quite confident that it “will happen to everybody.”

“It will happen to everybody,” says Noelle Chesley, 49, associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “But not this year, and not in 2018. Maybe not my generation, but certainly that of my kids.”

Initially, implantable microchips will be touted as the wave of the future. We will be told that they will make our lives so much easier and more convenient, and the USA Today article made a big deal of that:
This would go beyond paying with your smartphone. Instead, chipped customers would simply wave their hands in lieu of Apple Pay and other mobile payment systems.

The benefits don’t stop there. In the future, consumers could zip through airport scanners sans passport or driver’s license; open doors; start cars and operate home automation systems. All of it, if the technology pans out, with the simple wave of a hand.

Some people are already willingly microchipping themselves.

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