
Thursday, October 25, 2018

11 & 12 Yr Old Girls Planned to Kill

I was at a Bible study last night with some high school boys and they were lamenting what a sick and twisted world we live in.  As we were talking about some of the crazy things going on, a friend texted me a headline he had seen yesterday about some FL girls planning to kill, drink the blood of the victim and then kill themselves so they could go to hell and be with Satan.

What?  How could an 11 yr old girl possibly come up with such and idea?

Florida law enforcement officials said on Wednesday that they foiled a plot by two Satan-worshipping middle school girls this week who planned to kill over a dozen smaller children, eat their flesh, and then drink their blood.

The 6th and 7th-grade girls, ages 11 and 12 respectively, were arrested at Bartow Middle School on Tuesday after they brought weapons to the school and admitted to plotting the attack. ABC Action News reports:

When asked about motivation, the girls reportedly told police that they were Satan worshipers. According to police, the girls planned to drink their victims’ blood out of the goblet they were found with. They also discussed eating their victims' flesh and leaving body parts at the school's entrance before killing themselves.
"They noted that they wanted to kill at least 15 people and were waiting in the bathroom to find smaller kids that they could overpower to be their victims," Bartow Police Chief Joe Hall said. "I believe that these two small children, I’m going to call them small children, they are only 11 and 12, seriously sat down and plotted to do bodily harm to another student at school."

We wonder if Satan and his minions have been working double-time lately?  We wonder if he can see the happenings going on in Israel and the Middle East and has figured out that Jesus may soon make an entrance to snatch His bride and remove the Holy Spirit in the process?

We find it hard to imagine that little girls could come up with such an idea all on their it would seem that maybe they had some super-natural help?

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