
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Biggest Hurricane EVER!

lots of extremes going on these days!  Weather man said that the hurricane getting ready to hit Florida panhandle is the most powerful October hurricane to ever be recorded.  Winds of 145 mph with 12 foot storm surge is expected.  Global warming or birth pains?
"Hurricane Michael is an unprecedented event and cannot be compared to any of our previous events. Do not risk your life, leave NOW if you were told to do so," the National Weather Service (NWS) said in a dramatic appeal.
The NWS office in Tallahassee said it had searched its historical database for category four hurricanes - the second-highest level on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale - that made landfall in the panhandle and Big Bend and found none. It posted a map of the coast on its Twitter feed.
"This map says it all - it's BLANK - this situation has NEVER happened before," the office said.

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