
Monday, October 8, 2018

Impeach Kavanaugh? Could Dems Do That?

As you all know by now, Judge Kavanaugh got voted in and sworn in.  Praise the Lord!

But this brutal confirmation travesty has only served to further divide this country. 

The conservatives look at the liberals with their bloody white shorts, their profanity and their questions from Kavanaugh's High School yearbook and we say, "Those folks are insane!  They need to be stopped from EVER getting power!"

And the liberals look at the conservatives and say, "Those folks are insane!  They need to be taken down from power before they destroy the whole world and put blacks and women back in chains!"

"Oh well Dennis, I'm glad Kavanaugh got in and soon the Democrats will forget about him and it will be ancient history!"

I hope you are right, but according to this headline, the Democrats might not be done with their vendetta to have Kavanaugh pronounced as guilty unless he can prove his innocence.

If Democrats seize control of the House in the upcoming November elections, a number of top party members have suggested they will launch another investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh – and possibly push for impeachment.

After a bitter and largely bipartisan fight over his nomination, Kavanaugh, who has been accused of sexual assault by three different women, will likely be narrowly confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice by the Senate on Saturday. Kavanaugh has vehemently denied all allegations made against him.

But Democrats, including ranking member Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., have promised that if they win in the midterms, they will take over the investigation into Kavanaugh’s background. Nadler would likely become the chair of the House Judiciary Committee and told ABC News during an interview that he would pursue an investigation of the judge.

Meanwhile, Reps. Luis Gutierrez, D-Il., and Ted Lieu, D-Calif., have called for the House to start impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh if they find out he lied about sexually assaulting Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Ford testified on Capitol Hill this week, after accusing Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were both in high school.

I was listening to Eric Mataxes this morning interviewed by James Dobson.  Mataxes has a book out called, "If You Can Keep It"  The book is about whether or not America is going to be able to stay together as a Constitutional Republic as the voters continue to be more ignorant with every passing decade.  The divide, animosity and mistrust has grown so large these last 20 years that we wonder how it can survive?

Maybe God has used America to accomplish his purposes with restoring Israel and spreading the Gospel, but now that America is throwing God under the bus and rejecting and rebelling against His every word...that God will allow us to destroy ourselves from within.

Pray for America.  There can be no doubt that this nation of all races was put together by God but unless something changes it could be torn apart by men.

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