
Monday, October 1, 2018

Iran Lauches a Missile

Yes, Iran launched a missile at Syria but it's message was meant for USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

When Iran launched ballistic missiles into Syria Monday, its message was aimed more at the Islamic Republic's powerful foes: the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The country’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard said it had targeted militants it blames for a recent attack on a military parade that killed at least 24 and wounded dozens in Ahvaz in southwestern Iran.

But a missile shown on state TV Monday bore the phrase "Death to America, Death to Israel, Death to Al Saud," referring to Saudi Arabia's ruling family.

An Iranian state TV reporter did not mince words.

"In a few minutes, the world of arrogance — especially America, the Zionist regime and the Al Saud — will hear the sound of Iran's repeated blows," he said as a missile roared into the night sky behind him.


If you go to the linked article you will see a photo of two men holding signs that say "Wipe out Israel" and "Down with America"

And yes, Iran is one of the named players of Ezekiel 38 that seeks to wipe out Israel.

How much longer can these escalations go on before something serious breaks out?

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