
Monday, October 1, 2018

Proof That Democrats Orchestrated a Hit Job

Please remember to keep praying this week for Judge Kavanaugh and his family.  And continue to pray for USA.  We have all had an opportunity to live in possibly the best, most free, most secure, most wealthy, most Christian, most God-fearing nation to ever land on planet earth...and it's very possible, if Jesus tarries, that we may witness it being torn apart in front of our very eyes.

The Left thinks they did a splendid job when using Kavanaugh's high school year book in an attempt to smear him.  While the Right believes it may have been the worst travesty we have ever seen in a SCOTUS hearing.

But the truth of the matter might be coming out soon...and it may backfire tremendously on the Democrats.

She knew.

Democratic Sen.Diane Feinstein knew about the allegations from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as far back as July. Despite this, she never uttered a word about it until the 11th hour when it appeared Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh would be confirmed.

As Republican senators Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch pointed out Thursday, Feinstein could have asked Kavanaugh about the allegations privately or publicly. She did neither.

That and a number of other issues have lead many to believe that the allegations against Kavanaugh are political maneuvering by the Democrats, who are still furious over President Donald Trump’s victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and that Senate Republicans would not hold a confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland, the Supreme Court nominee put forth by President Barack Obama in 2016 following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Graham and Hatch stood up for Kavanaugh against what the Democrats have been saying and doing throughout the confirmation process. Graham reminded Democrats he and other Republican senators voted for Obama SCOTUS nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagen because of their judicial qualities.

“I would never do to them what you’ve done to this guy,” Graham said of Kavanaugh. “This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics.”


Don't bear false witness against your neighbor.

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