
Thursday, October 11, 2018

There Were Giants on the Earth

The Bible is clear in Genesis 6 that fallen angels went to women and took any that they chose and had children with them resulting in a mutant race called the Nephilim.  It's a strange story that makes Noah's flood make perfect sense because God was destroying all these mutant creatures because he so loved the human race.  He found Noah and his sons to be "pure" and "uncorrupted" in their generation which would mean their DNA was 100% human.

So God killed all the Nephilim in the flood....but then the Bible says that the Nephilim came back after the flood.  In fact they were inhabiting the Promised Land when Joshua and Caleb got there!

"Oh Dennis, that's such a fanciful story!  Don't you know that Moses didn't know what he was talking about when he wrote such things!  He was probably just borrowing stories from some old ancient myths!"

Wow!  If you believe that, then we better just throw out the Bible.

The fact is that humans have been finding giant skeletons all over the world for centuries!!  So why doesn't the media do a massive story on this today?

Ummmm......who do you think MIGHT not want humans to know about Satan's failed attempt to corrupt human DNA so that a perfect seed of a woman couldn't one day crush his head? (Genesis 3)

So check out this article from the Winona, MN history book from 105 years ago.

Real giants in the earth? Giant skeletons have been found all over the world, all over the U.S. and specifically, near Dakota, Minn. Who were these giants in the earth? Where did they come from? When did they live?

The 1913 Winona County History book stated, “Indian mounds and relics are found in various parts of our area. While men were digging in Miners Bluff (hill on the south end of Dakota), 150 feet above the river, a skeleton of an unusual size was unearthed. On measuring, the giant skeleton was found to be 10 feet in length, with other parts in proper proportions. A copper hatchet and a dart of arrowhead nine inches long were found in the skull. Another skeleton, nine feet long was found in the village of Dresbach, while some men were digging a road or trench.”

“These skeletons were of an unusual size to those generally taken from Indian mounds. Their size, form and structure would lead those versed in paleontology to believe they belonged to a race prior to the Indian.”

The 1882 History of Houston County said, “At La Crescent, there is a chain of mounds which indicate the existence of a race with characteristics quite distinct from, and unlike the Indians. The conformation of the skulls which have been found reveals them as having more of an animal nature than their exterminators; one striking peculiarity being in the size of the jaws, the lower one especially. It is true it was a human jaw and not an animal’s, because it had a chin, which no mere animal has…”

A story in the book “Weird Minnesota” by Eric Dregni talks about a book by Jay Rath called The M-Files, which said, “Rath reports that in 1884, 52 men of “exceptionally large stature” were uncovered in La Crescent, having been buried 18 feet underground. Even more impressive are the 600 huge skeletons that were found in Lanesboro. Rath explains that “George E. Powell, writing in 1907, said that 27 years earlier he had heard oral histories representing a battle said to have occurred 200 years before then. The dead were supposedly strangers slain by Ojibwe; the story comes from a 100-year old Ojibwe.’”

Perhaps the 1913 Winona County History summed it up the best, “Where they came from, when they lived, and whence they have gone, is only conjecture and speculation. That they were mighty races, skilled in the mode of warfare, understanding the mechanical arts, for all these we have conclusive evidence. But of their end we know nothing. Whether they were swept from the earth by some deadly epidemic, or annihilated themselves by internecine wars, or died of inherent weakness, we have nothing to inform us.”

As you read the bold sentence in the paragraph above, think about Genesis 6 and what Moses wrote about these hybrid giants, "they were the heroes of old, men of renown".  Or how about the description of Nimrod who was descended from Ham and Canaan, "He became a mighty one...Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord."

Strange times my friends!  The Bible is TRUE!!  All of it!  If God tells us that fallen angels slept with women to pervert the human gene pool and giants were the result of that illicit union, THEN THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!

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