
Monday, October 15, 2018

There Will Be Famine

Jesus told us that famine will be part of the Last Days scenario as His return draws near. When we see wars and rumors of wars happening, the farmers and gardeners run so as to not get caught in the cross fire. So nothing gets planted and nothing gets harvested.  Do you think the Muslim world will help their neighbors in Yemen?  I’m gonna take a wild guess and say they won’t.

The United Nations is warning that 13 million people in Yemen are facing starvation.
It's calling on the military coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, to halt air strikes which are killing civilians, and contributing to what the UN says could become "the worst famine in the world in 100 years".
Yemen's civil war began three years ago, when Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, seized much of the country, including the capital Sanaa. 
Saudi Arabia, backed by the US, the UK and France, is using air strikes and a blockade - in support of the internationally-recognised government. 
At least 10,000 people have been killed in the conflict and millions are displaced.
Our international correspondent Orla Guerin, producer Nicola Careem and cameraman Lee Durant sent this report from Sanaa. 
It contains some distressing scenes.

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