
Monday, October 1, 2018

What Would Humans Do if Aliens Invaded"

So here is an interesting topic to come to me in an email from Market Watch.  Now remember, Market Watch is in the financial services industry.  Why the heck would they be publishing an article about what might happen if aliens invade earth?

Alien invasion is a favorite topic of science-fiction movies.

A protagonist is going about his often unremarkable daily life, until one day gigantic spaceships appear in the sky and the attack begins.

Invaders from the outer space are relentless, technologically and biologically superior, and the situation looks bleak until our hero saves the day, either by blowing up the alien mother ship, killing the alien queen or a similar feat.

Here’s what I think could happen during a real alien invasion.

First things first
Although there aren’t any (publicly available) government procedures for responding to an alien attack, it’s not hard to imagine what form they would take. Civilians would most likely be instructed to stay in their homes or closest shelters and await further developments. Instructions and news would be broadcast via TV and radio and also through social media such as Twitter TWTR, -1.12%  and Facebook FB, -1.86%
Following precautionary measures, the next course of action would be to assess the threat and organize a two-pronged response. First, we’d attempt to communicate with the aliens to understand their motive for entering the Earth’s atmosphere.
Specially equipped emissaries would go to locations where clear contact with the aliens could be made. These experts in linguistics, psychology, biology and combat would attempt to get a non-violent response from the alien entities using non-aggressive gestures such as images projected on large screens or drawn on the ground using heavy machinery.
We’d also try wireless communication as well as radio signal broadcasts. Each of those measures would have to be assessed individually and would not be used if aliens might consider them threatening. (For example, screens broadcasting imagery could be mistaken for an energy weapon.)
An alien entity sending a non-aggressive gesture in return would be considered a successful communication attempt. This gesture, whether auditory, visual or in a form of energy or vibration, would be recorded by a series of mobile sensory arrays that emissaries would wear at all times.
Artificial intelligence and human experts all over the globe would then process the recorded data and attempt to translate it as quickly and precisely as possible, since the fate of humanity might depend on a timely response. This data would be accompanied by video feeds, biometric information and in situ commentary from the team biologists and psychologists. They would provide scientific description of the events, the alien morphology and the demeanor in which they delivered their responses.

In case aliens did not offer any kind of response and remained docile, global satellite systems would monitor movements of their fleet, trying to gauge their intentions.

Read the rest of the article here;

It's getting very hard NOT to see that planet earth has been, and IS, being prepared to accept "aliens" coming to earth.  Of course my readers already know that these "aliens" are really just part of a Satanic plan to deceive humans.

Every time we read about what the "aliens" are communicating to and through their ignorant human hosts...we think of what Paul warned us would happen in the Last Days regarding doctrines of demons.

1 Timothy 4
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

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