
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Chubby Man Upset Because He Identifies as Thin Woman

You can imagine the outrage when the President of Victoria’s Secret said he didn’t think men should walk down the runway with their genitals tucked into women’s panties during their annual TV show.  The trans community is in an uproar! Let the bullying begin!
“Dear VS, I’m an obese man who loves to wear make up and women’s panties as I identify as a thin woman with large breasts.  I would like to be considered by you for a modeling job for your TV show.  Enclosed are my photos. If you deny my request to be seen as a sexy, young woman and hired as a model, you will be put out of business by the LGBTQ community.”
The chief marketing officer of L Brands, the parent company of Victoria’s Secret, has apologized for comments he made in an interview with Vogue about transgender models. 
Ed Razek made the remarks when asked if the lingerie brand was seeing a “shifting desire” from what audiences wanted to see during its annual fashion show. 
The 70-year-old said he didn’t think transgender models should walk the runway because the show “is a fantasy. It’s a 42-minute entertainment special.


  1. This made me laugh. The irony is almost too much. I wonder tho if this is a set-up, because it sure reads like one, but then...

    if the lingerie brand was seeing a “shifting desire” from what audiences wanted to see during its annual fashion show.

    "H" "E" double hockey sticks NO! Let's be honest, the show has been for straight men and the straight women who want to know what gets their guys going. The last thing either of them wants to see is a fat dude flaunting his junk. (insert gagging noises here)

    Well, there you go, ladies. Now even the job of Lingerie Model will be dominated by the ever hated male patriarchy.

    If there is no such thing as objective truth, anything goes.

    BTW I am writing this as a gender and identity fluid entity currently manifesting as a somewhat (that is overly kind to my true situation) chubby middle-aged white guy.

  2. Hello Dennis! This is Sly, It's been a while since we've talked at LA. I enjoy reading what your blog has to say, it comforts me to see that not everybody has lost their ability to reason and stay in touch with logic. I storngly believe that nothing is a coincidence, and that our paths crossed so I could learn something from you, God has given you a vision of the world that is very enlightened and near impossible to find. I would like it if we could speak some more, my email is Once again, keep up the great work with the blog and take care.
