
Monday, November 12, 2018

Man Seeks to Legally Change His Age

If you want to understand how far absurdity can this next article.  This dude looks about 20 years younger than he really is!  So he IDENTIFIES as a 49 yr old man and NOT the 69 yr old man that he is!!  If a man can identify as a woman why can't an older man identify as a younger man?  Lest you think that sounds absurd...the judge thinks it makes some sense when you compare it to the transsexual argument.

Emile Ratelband, a 69-year-old motivational speaker from the Netherlands, has petitioned a court for permission to change his legal age — by altering his birth certificate to show he was born 20 years later than he really was.
Ratelband argues that he feels two decades younger than he actually is — doctors told him he has the body of a younger man, he says. While in most cases that compliment is rhetorical, Ratelband is taking a more literal approach. He also says having a younger age on paper would give him a boost in life and on dating apps.
He presented his argument before a judge on Monday.
According to the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, or AD, Ratelband told the court he would be happy to delay his pension benefits for 20 years, as a logical extension of his age change.
The judge expressed some skepticism but also noted that changing the sex on a birth certificate, as transgender people have the right to do, once was impossible and is now allowed.

"In those days, Israel had no king so everyone did whatever they wanted to do."--paraphrase from book of Judges

Yep!  When society loses its FEAR OF THE LORD...there ceases to be any wisdom.  Men can be little girls, women can change species and identify as a cat, men can marry other men, 4 bisexual people can all get married and create a MODERN FAMILY, men can have sex with younger humans and people can have sex with animals and it ALL has to be tolerated and then celebrated.

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