
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Peter Schiff Warns of Massive Financial Collapse

Some of you may be familiar with Peter Schiff because he predicted the crash of 2007-2009.  If so or if not, you still may be interested to watch his interview on Fox News recently.  He is the author of THE REAL CRASH book and says that when the drunken spending spree comes to a forced end in America, it will get really ugly really quick.

We have no idea if his prediction will come true this year, but we are confident that it will happen one of these years.  The Bible says the day is coming when the Antichrist will take control of a global financial we KNOW that some sort of massive reset is going to have to happen.

We agree with Schiff when he says that people always stand around during the good times and say that terrible things will never happen.  And then when the terrible thing does happen, those same folks stand around and wonder how it is that they didn't see it coming.

Watch it here;

"While they are saying, 'Peace' and 'safety', destruction will come upon them suddenly."

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