
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Saying You Were Once Gay But Now Found Jesus...Bad

You better not exercise your free speech if it has anything to do with Jesus changing your life or the LGBTQ police will come and bully you.  You see, as a group they seem to be very intolerant and hateful of anyone that refuses to celebrate their lifestyle.
A contestant on Malta's version of the X Factor television series is under fire for publicly declaring that he is a former homosexual who gave his life to Jesus. 
Matthew Grech, a singer and vocal coach, said during an interview on the show that he used to live a "homosexual lifestyle," but then "found God". 
"I used to lead a homosexual lifestyle and then I found God. For a long time, I stopped following my passions to follow Jesus," Grech said, according to the Independent. "There can be love between two men and two women, yes -- but only friendship love. Everything else is a sin."
The clip was aired on national television and uploaded on Youtube and Facebook. Many people were upset that Grech described homosexuality as a "lifestyle" and "sin."
"What an utter despicable person. YOU ARE GAY. Stop lying on national tv and be proud of who you are," one YouTube commenter identified as JON fivesevenseven said. 
Another said the world needs to be "free" from "bad people" like Grech.

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