
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Quit Social Media?

Do you find yourself spending too much time swiping through Instagram and Facebook?  Do you find yourself wondering why you're such a loser...just laying on the couch looking at Instagram while everyone you know is posting photos from the beach, from a new restaurant, from the Vikings game, from the water park, from the campground, etc....  Why are YOU such a loser and why are YOU being left behind when it comes to entertainment, friends and excitement?  How come YOU don't have the perfect marriage like all those couples vacationing together on the beach?  How come YOUR kids aren't as happy as THEIR kids?  How come your family isn't always laughing with each other while all the Instagram people are??

Have you ever wondered if Social Media is being used by the evil one to drag millions and millions of Americans into depression, anxiety and panic attacks?

"But Dennis, I only look at FB/Instagram/SnapChat maybe an hour per day!"

Yep!  And that means you can check in on the lives of about 400-500 people during that hour, to see the amazing things they are doing while you are laying on the sofa at 6:30 wondering if you can go to bed yet.  LOSER!!

Check out this story from a young woman who has deleted her social media and realized she is MUCH happier.

As a society, we're starting to lose faith in our technology icons, especially in light of the questionable decisions made by the once-beloved Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, and reports about early Facebook employees who got rich and now have the luxury of preventing their own kids from using social media.
#DeleteFacebook, once unthinkable, is now a very real trend. And it poses a growing threat to Facebook's bottom line, and its future.
Against this backdrop, in August I made a big decision. I removed Facebook and Instagram apps off my phone, and logged out on the web. I didn't get around to fully disabling or deleting them, as I wanted to see first how I'd respond to a month-long break. Baby steps, I told myself.
I haven't been back, and I don't really miss them at all.

Time not well spent

My break came around the time when Facebook and Instagram introduced "time well spent" features in the summer, which allow users to check how many hours they've spent on social media. I checked the activity dashboard after reporting on these changes for CNBC, and learned that I spent more than five hours on Instagram in a single week.

Another question for we who claim to be followers of Christ;  Aren't we supposed to be different than the pagans (non-believers) on earth?  Have we become so wrapped up in the things of this earth that we end up losing our SALT AND LIGHT qualities?

If you are out to lunch with a friend who needs to talk and you can't leave your phone in the car for one may have a problem.

If you feel the need to show 600 friends how much fun you are having every single probably have a problem.

If you can't sit on the sofa with your husband without constantly looking at your phone to see what everyone else is do have a problem.

Maybe all the folks who call themselves FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST should turn the page on this misery called social media and delete our accounts.

"But Dennis, I would literally DIE if I couldn't look at pictures of everyone else every day!" positively have a problem.  Maybe even an addiction.  Which is most likely a false idol too.


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