
Monday, December 31, 2018

Top 10 Bible Prophecy Stories of 2018

For my regular readers these 10 items of prophecy headlines probably won't come as a surprise, but it's a great list that is amazing to look at and study.  At no other time in human history has the convergence of prophetic events happened as they are happening today.
1. Nationalism is Scorned and Globalism is Celebrated 

Globalism took center stage in 2018, so much so that President Donald Trump stuck it to the globalists by once against stating that he is a nationalist.   
2. Israel Celebrates Her 70th Anniversary and America Moves Her Embassy to Jerusalem 

In Matthew 24:34 Jesus gives a prophecy  that the generation living during predicted events  will not pass away until the events occur. Israel became a nation in 1948. Psalm 90 says a generation is 70 years.  The Bible refers to the Tribulation as the "70th Week of Daniel." 
3. In 2018 "Birth-Pangs" Became Apocalyptic 

Throughout the year, we watched heart-wrenching photos and videos of unprecedented disasters that are just a foretaste of what will happen in the Tribulation or the "Time of Jacob's Trouble."  Many commentators called these global disasters "apocalyptic" or "of biblical proportion." 

4.  U.S. Troops Pull Out of Syria 

In late-December President Trump stated that he will pull all U.S. troops out of Syria. While opinions vary and Christians and Kurds will be further slaughtered by evil forces, this opens a pathway from Iran to Israel. Iran now has a perfect land bridge to Israel. Russia, Turkey, Sudan, Libya, "and many nations", will join in this attack.  
5. The Decline of the Character of Mankind; A Depraved Mentality (Romans 1); Lovers of Self (II Timothy 3); Godlessness, Immorality and Lawlessness Abound - A Return to the Days of Noah 

In 2018 we watched:

  • Massive voter fraud
  • Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is falsely accused in the name of politics
  • Witches curse Kavanaugh and President Trump in public ceremonies
  • Literal demonic hatred expressed towards Christians and Conservatives
  • Clergy bless abortion clinics
  • Drag queens appear everywhere and heavily at children's events and one seminary in St. Paul, MN
  • Child drag queen performer "Desmond the Amazing" is declared by some to be the "the future of America."

#6. The Tragic Rise of Evil 

The Bible says that in the last days "evil will wax worse and worse." (II Tim. 3:13)  This year we have seen paganism and witchcraft soar as Christianity declined and Millennials said they did not need God.  
#7.  Shocking Escalation of Apostasy and Mocking of Bible Prophecy

Just when you think apostasy and false teaching can't get any worse, it does! The New Apostolic Reformation is a global movement ravaging many churches with strange signs, wonders, and miracles that are not of God. Some of these folks celebrate their out-of-control "drunk-in-the-spirit" activity. Who could  have imagined that India's Kundalini spirit would actually enter the evangelical church? 

#8. Intrusive Technology Invades Homes and Paves the Way for the Antichrist 

This year we have learned we are being watched or listened to 24/7 by big tech. This was also the year the tech companies admitted they had an agenda. 
Artificial intelligence can far exceed the human brain and A.I. can make images of people that look human.  
Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, and more, are the new "masters of the universe" but hate righteousness and will likely hand their tools over to the Antichrist. 

#9. The Crisis in the Vatican 

If the False Prophet comes out of Catholicism, we have seen its evil in the last year with one scandal after another. Pope Francis seems to look the other way, focusing on his own agenda.  
#10. Third Temple Talk Activity Accelerated

The Antichrist will allow the third Jewish Temple to be built in Jerusalem early in the Tribulation. Preparation for that Temple accelerated in 2018. The Temple Institute announced the birth of a perfect red heifer in Israel that could be used in Temple ceremonies.  

The Sanhedrin hosted the dedication of the altar for the Third Temple with 70 nations invited to observe in December.  


No one knows the day or the hour that Jesus is going to return with the sound of the trumpet to take His bride to the place he has been preparing, BUT with all the major events happening at the same time WE SHOULD NOT BE SURPRISED when it happens!  Because we are not in the darkness about what is coming!!  The rest of the world is, but we aren't!

1 Thess. 5
But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

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