
Thursday, January 10, 2019

China’s Renminbi May Soon Replace Dollar as Reserve Currency

Let's remember that one of the main reasons that America has been able to borrow so much money these past 20 years is because WE OWN the printing press to the world's ONLY reserve currency.  If we had to come up with another nation's currency to pay our debts, the drunken spending carried out by BOTH PARTIES would be near impossible to maintain.

We have NO IDEA when America's dollar will cease to be the world's ONLY reserve currency...but make no mistake about it...other nations are trying to make our party end in hopes that theirs can begin.

"That said, I think it is likely that we will ultimately have reserve currencies other than the USD. The evolution of the global financial system is currently lagging behind that of the global economy, and there are asymmetric concentrations of financial assets in advanced economies relative to economic activity.

For example, EMEs’ share of global activity is now 60%, but their share of global financial assets lags behind at around one-third. And half of international trade is currently invoiced in US dollars, even though the US has a much lower 10% share of international trade. As the world re-orders, this disconnect between the real and financial is likely to reduce, and in the process other reserve currencies may emerge. In the first instance, I would expect these will be existing national currencies, such as the RMB.

However, history suggests these transitions will not happen overnight. The US economy overtook Britain’s in the second half of the 19th century, but it took until the 1920s before it became a dominant currency in international trade. "

We hope this doesn't happen for quite some time but we followers of Christ should realize that our blessings as a nation are upheld by Him...and they could vanish very quickly.

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