
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Chinese Leader Says Prepare for War

China's economy has been faltering.  Maybe the trade war that Trump has instigated IS going to make them bend?  Maybe the arrest of a Chinese businesswoman in Canada has them rattled?  Yesterday they sentenced a Canadian Citizen to death for drug dealing...but the world will realize that this is all a tit-for-tat as China tries to punish Canada for cooperating with the USA.

Anyway, USA keeps sailing navy ships past the man-made islands China has been working on.  USA also continues to side with Taiwan which China considers part of it's territory and one day will try and take by force.  Is there a big showdown coming between USA and China?  Could a trade war lead to a shooting war?  If China feels backed into a corner could they lash out and start WWIII?

On the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening in China, President Xi, made it clear that a war with Taiwan is inevitable. In his speech Xi made it said that there is only one China. President Xi described it as “inevitable requirement”. SCMP notes that Xi has little patience with Taiwan;

Xi has said the “problem” cannot be put off for another generation and has called on the military to be prepared to fight “bloody battles” for every “single inch” of its territory.
From Xi’s perspective, either Taiwan peacefully accepts its fate, or it will be achieved through military means.  As both Taiwan and U.S. are up for election in 2020, more harsh anti-China rhetoric are expected from both U.S. and Taiwan. This could lead to further ramped up rhetoric. The escalation might lead to Taiwan pull U.S. into a war with China. SCMP writes;

Yun Sun, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Stimson Centre, said she believed Tsai would take more confrontational steps in the next two years, largely because of domestic political needs.

“If she believes that China is not willing to avoid picking a fight with the US over Taiwan, she might become more bold.

  Eric Parpart, senior reporter at Bangkok Post presents it bluntly;

All these developments suggest China is confident that no one can stop it from doing whatever it wants. It may be right. If Nato and the UN are helpless to stop Russian President Vladimir Putin from taking… 

The Chinese military are already provoking U.S. military with various Chinese military commanders suggesting the Chinese should attach various U.S. navy ships. Dai Xu’s, a Chinese air force colonel, said China should attack any US ships visiting the neighborhood and “be ready to take over Taiwan”.
It would seem that the world is heading for a breaking point.  
For today you can file this one under WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR


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