
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Cut Food Stamps & Watch Riots Begin

If you feed people for free long enough, they will get really mad when you quit feeding them.
Back in 2013, the EBT card system failed. It began with the EBT cards going down for a couple of hours, which prevented many of the poor from buying food. The net result was that it didn’t even take a day for civil unrest to rear its ugly head before the riots began. The Federal government received a quick answer about how long it would take for the poor to riot and it was mere hours. I contend that this was a beta test designed to gauge future behavior when Obama uses food as a weapon for real. Now that time is upon us. 

That Was Then 

The lessons of history clearly demonstrate that dictatorial regimes, whether they be Socialists, Communists, and Marxists will not hesitate to use food as a weapon against their own people in order to solidify power and impose absolute autocratic control. Food can be withheld from the masses by preventing it from being grown and harvested, by contaminating it and rendering it unfit for human consumption or by simply preventing food from being distributed to a targeted population. And there is a third strategy that the government can employ when subjugating a population by withholding food, that would be food which has a long shelf life. And this is exactly what we see, the Federal government is stockpiling survival food with a long shelf life. These combined factors can lead to the complete subjugation of a population by controlling the supply of food.

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