
Monday, January 21, 2019

Israel Attacks Iranian Targets in Syria...Again

By now my faithful readers know that it's significant that Russia, Turkey and Iran all have military assets in Syria.  And any headline that has Israel, Iran and Syria all in the same headline should have us all sitting up and paying attention.  Russia has already issued a warning to Israel to NOT attack targets in Syria.

Israel confirmed early Monday that its military attacked Iranian targets in Syria, in a rare statement on such an operation.
“We have started striking Iranian Quds targets in Syrian territory,” the military statement said. “We warn the Syrian Armed Forces against attempting to harm Israeli forces or territory.”
Until now Israel largely has refrained from public admissions of its covert military operations in neighboring Syria to avoid large-scale involvement in the eight-year civil war.
The military’s statement was issued hours after Israeli missile defenses intercepted an incoming missile over the Golan Heights in the wake of rare daylight air raid near the Damascus International Airport.
The Israeli military initially had declined to comment on the airstrike, though it said a rocket fired at the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights was intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.
Israeli warplanes have used Lebanon’s airspace recently to strike deep inside Syria, including attacking a warehouse near Damascus International Airport earlier this month, according to Syrian state media.
As a bonus, this article also has the word DAMASCUS in it's report.  One day, maybe sooner than later, we might wake up to the news that Damascus is gone.  Many prophecy watchers believe this could be the final straw that sets up the planned attack mentioned in Ezekiel 38.
Of course we have NO IDEA if the trumpet is going to sound at any moment and call the Bride of Christ into the clouds...but we shouldn't be surprised if it happens at a time when we don't expect today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.  The real question followers of Christ should be asking is, "Am I ready to meet Jesus?"
People will be eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, planting, building and carrying on life as if nothing will ever change...until it the twinkling of an eye.
Even so, Come Lord Jesus!
Isaiah 17  “See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins.

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