
Friday, January 4, 2019

"Palestinian" Woman Sworn Into U.S. Congress

The Democrats are so proud of the diversity they have brought into Congress!  We have a bi-sexual woman who announces that she enjoys fornicating with either sex!  Splendid!!  We have a Muslim from MN who is anti-Semitic. Awesome!  We have a young Latina woman who seems totally clueless and unqualified to hold this office AND we have an Arab woman who identifies as a Palestinian and who was sworn on the Koran while saying Allah Akbar in her mind.

Oh yeah...and she seems to imply that Muslims helped found America because she used Thomas Jefferson's Koran for the swearing in.

As new Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) wore a thobe ― a traditional Palestinian dress ― to her swearing-in ceremony Thursday, women responded by tweeting photos of their own thobes in her honor.
Tlaib made history as the first Palestinian-American congresswoman and one of the first Muslim women in Congress, along with fellow new Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Tlaib announced last month that she planned to wear the Palestinian dress to the first day of the 116th Congress.
Tlaib told HuffPost in August that she was “going to be a voice for” Palestinians. 
“I look forward to being able to humanize so many of them that have felt ‘less than’ for so long,” she said at the time.
Tlaib planned to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for her swearing-in. Former Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who was the first-ever Muslim in Congress, used the same Koran in 2007.
“It’s important to me because a lot of Americans have this kind of feeling that Islam is somehow foreign to American history,” Tlaib told the Detroit Free Press. “Muslims were there at the beginning.”

Ummmm….NO...Muslims were NOT there at the beginning.  Thomas Jefferson was most likely NOT a Christian but he most certainly was not bowing to Allah and his worthless, lying, pedophile prophet, Muhammad.  He had a Koran in his library so he could read it and maybe gain some insight into the Muslim Barbary Pirates that the fledgling US Navy would end up going to war against.

Also, there is NO SUCH THING as Palestinian people.  They are simply Arabs who showed up to work for the Jews in the early 20th century.  They resented their Jewish employers and when the Arab armies told them to leave their homes so they could wipe out the Jews and give their homes and businesses to the Arabs, they readily complied!  When the Arab armies ended up losing to the Israelis then those Arabs became refugees.  After they were refugees for a handful of years, a lying sack of poo named Yassir Arafat invented the term Palestinian People and repeated the lie so often that now most of the world believes they are a separate people group.  But history will show there has NEVER been a Palestinian government, king, queen, coins, capital, army, borders, NOTHING!!  They are just Arabs that hate Jews.

Same as the Arabs who hated the Jews when they returned to Jerusalem from Babylon to rebuild the walls and Temple.

Nehemiah 2

But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official and Geshem the Arab heard about it, they mocked and ridiculed us. “What is this you are doing?” they asked. “Are you rebelling against the king?”

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