
Monday, January 28, 2019

The Depravity of New York

You probably heard that New York has made it legal to kill babies up to the time they are exiting the birth canal.  As if that isn’t sinister enough, the Governor who signed the bill ordered a celebration of pink lights to cheer the occasion.  The blood of millions of innocent babies is already screaming for justice.  When will God judge this nation for sacrificing babies into the fires of convenience?  How are we not worse than the pagans of ancient times who threw their babies into the fires to worship their demon gods?  Come Lord Jesus.

New York State has some of the highest abortion rates in the country, and more black babies are aborted each year than are born. Abortion was previously legal until 24 weeks, but has now been removed from New York's penal code. For New York's abortion radicals, there is no such thing as too much feticide.

The ghoulish cheering that hailed the passage of a bill that permits nearly full-term infants to be injected with poison and murdered was not the only grave-dancing that took place. Governor Andrew Cuomo also directed the One World Trade Center to light up their 408-foot spire in pink, and ordered that the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Kosciuszko Bridge, and the Alfred E. Smith Building in Albany be lit up as well to celebrate the new right of New Yorker's to have viable babies in the womb dismembered and poisoned to death. 

The bill, said Cuomo, was "a historic victory for New Yorkers and our progressive values...I am directing that New York's landmarks be lit in pink to celebrate this achievement and shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow."

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